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Business Establishment

Local Company (PT)

PT is the most popular company type in Indonesia, yet it is fully intended for Indonesian citizens. We would not suggest this type of business for expatriates because the full ownership must be under Indonesian citizens. There are 2 conditions to set up PT – 1. If the business field is closed to foreign ownership or 2. If you have an Indonesian citizen you can trust.

The minimum requirements to set up a local PT are:

  • 2 Local Shareholders
  • 1 Local Director
  • 1 Local Commissioner

In addition, there are 3 different sized companies available to create, each requiring a different amount of investment/paid in capital.

  • Small: Above IDR 50.000.000 – 500.000.000
  • Medium: Above IDR 500.000.000 –
  • Large: Above IDR

Please note, that if you want to employ foreigners, in a PT, the company size must be at least Medium with a paid in capital above IDR


Steps involved in creating a PT are:

  1. Company name approval
  2. Association Article preparation
  3. Obtain a Deed of Establishment
  4. Obtain a Certificate of Domicile
  5. Tax Registration Number (NPWP)
  6. Obtain a Trading Business License (SIUP)
  7. Obtain a Company Registration Certificate (TDP)