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BPJS Registration


What is BPJS and who is it for?

BPJS is government insurance imposed on Indonesian citizens to provide universal social security consisting of healthcare, pensions, work injury compensation, and life insurance. The social security package is used to maintain basic living standards to participants who encounter income loss or decrease resulting from workplace injuries, old age, retirement or death.

There are 2 types of BPJS, BPJS Kesehatan (Health Security) and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Social Security). Individuals must register for health security insurance while companies need to register social security schemes for employees.

Health Security BPJS (Kesehatan)

BPJS Kesehatan is mandatory for individuals living in Indonesia, it gives the holder healthcare protection. It offers 3 different classes of services, holders able to determine which type of protection. Each type comes at a slightly higher cost point, yet increased benefits to the users.


Social Security BPJS (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan)

Business owners must register the employees for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Social Security). 

Under Indonesian labor law, an official company/business is required to provide employment security to its employees.


Basic protection includes:

  • Pension, work injury protection and  life insurance 
  • The monthly payments for the Social Security Programme should be paid by both the employer and the employee. Total payment depends on service class protection preference as well as salary. 
  • Individual members pay the monthly fee independently